Thursday, June 19, 2014

Substrate Preparation & Priming

We have Technical Datasheets that cover many topics, here's an except for substrate preparation and priming Technical Datasheet.


Substrate preparation is the most important factor to a successful LATICRETE SUPERCAP installation. While it is not possible to cover all of the conditions that may exist on every project, this guide will cover substrate preparation for some of the more common conditions found on most projects. 

The LATICRETE SUPERCAP applicator is responsible for ensuring that the substrate is properly prepared prior to the installation of LATICRETE SUPERCAP products. Any conditions discovered prior to or during preparation and installation must be brought to the attention of the project construction manager or general contractor immediately to remediate the condition and bring the affected areas into compliance. The project specifications should be consulted for any special substrate preparation or conditions that may apply. 

Prior to LATICRETE SUPERCAP product application either the permanent building envelope or a temporary building enclosure must be in place to provide a suitable ambient temperature range and protection from weather and direct sunlight. LATICRETE SUPERCAP, LLC recommends that existing concrete slab core samples be analyzed by an independent lab for contaminants, structural soundness and other deleterious compounds that may act as bond breakers.

View the rest of this Technical Datasheet by clicking here.
Click here to view the Technical Datasheets available. 

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